Imported from California, Mexican Pebbles are smooth stones that beautify your landscape with additional elegance. They are often included with fountains and pond developments and used as accent stones. You can incorporate boulder sizes into your design in different ways as well – let your imagination run free!
We carry black, unpolished Mexican Pebbles in five sizes from 2”-3” stones to 12”-18” boulders. Mexican Pebbles are typically sold for 85¢ per pound for quantities less than one ton. For quantities greater than one ton, please contact us for pricing.
Please note: Large delivered Mexican Pebbles – like any of our boulders, must be dropped onto lawn/dirt areas to prevent damage to pavement. Large Mexican Pebbles are not dropped on paved driveways or public streets. Our truck pulls to the edge of pavement and the Mexican Pebbles are unloaded onto the designated area.
Homeowners must mark and protect sprinkler heads and other yard accessories before delivery. Homeowners also are responsible for any lawn/grade damages from scheduled deliveries. We offer a complimentary tree ball cart for your use to help maneuver boulders in your yard.